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D.A.R.E Conference

The DARE Conference is a two-day conference organised by YouthHubAfrica, which seeks to bring together over 500 young Africans to discuss and benefit from the practical experience of other youth speakers and artists who will share personal life experiences, success stories as well as their vision regarding an end to Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Against women and girls in Nigeria and Africa at large.

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>Bella-Anne Ndubuisi

About The Speaker

Bella-Anne Ndubuisi

Bella has nearly a decade of experience in cultural and public diplomacy. She currently works as the cultural affairs specialist at the Embassy of the United State of America, Abuja Nigeria where is responsible for strategically directing U.S cultural diplomacy initiatives in Nigeria and increasing the reach and impact of people-to people exchange in Nigeria. She holds an MA in International Development Studies and BA in International Relations and French. Bella has strong interests in women and girls’ empowerment and democratic governance and works in an advisory capacity with CSOs Nigeria working on these issues. She is a founding member of the Not Too Young to Run Movement. Bella has more than a decade’s experience working with adolescents, particularly in building their leadership capacity and navigating a career path. Through her initiative, Girl Lead Hub, Bella is building and supporting a network of adolescent girls who are driven and committed to leadership, service and making positive change. Before joining the alumni community of the Global Shapers Community, an initiative of of the World Economic Forum, Bella was an active members of the Abuja Global Shapers where she served as a Hub Curator, Hub Recruitment Chair, Hub Elections Committee Chair; and led several hub projects including Shape-Up mentoring, Give a Gift, Amana Initiative, etc. In 2019, she was appointed Co-Chair of the Global Shapers Advisory Council on Elections and Leadership. She is a member of the board of Yiaga Africa and Alliances for Africa.a

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